Services & fees

Initial consultation (90-120 mins) Adults £150 Children (18 and under) £100

Follow up consultations (30-45 mins) Adults £60 Children (18 and under) £50

Babies under 12 months 30 mins - £35

Book online here for all remote consultations or contact me directly at for in-person appointments in Christchurch

Please refer to Terms and Conditions in website footer for further information.


What to expect

  • The first consultation takes between one and a half to two hours. During that time I will build up a picture of my client, and their unique make up, to get thorough understanding of their health. I take a full history of physical, medical, emotional and mental health, even back as far as the history of parents and grandparents.

  • Some of the questions may be a little strange if you are new to homeopathy, but these all help me understand my client and what brings them to me. I take the information provided and work on the case to establish the best indicated remedy (or remedies) based on the individual information given. I will then send it out to the patient, with full instructions, within a few days of the appointment.

  • Follow up consultations are usually around four weeks to six weeks after the initial appointment and can last around 45 minutes, during which I will ask about the changes that have occurred before I decide on the next step in treatment by assessing the action of the remedy.

  • Clients should expect to work with me for around a 3 to 6 month period as a minimum for chronic conditions, and 6-12 months to achieve best results. Homeopathy aims to get to the root cause of an illness or an imbalance rather than just masking or suppressing symptoms, and is therefore a process, (or a healing journey), and not a quick fix.

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This is your time to talk….

Most patients find the very act of the homeopathic consultation as therapy in itself; even before a remedy is prescribed!

It is their time to talk, to be listened to uninterrupted, in a safe place and in confidence.

Time to tell your story.